Meet your instructor, experienced waterfowler Tommy Sessions. He's been hunting ducks and geese in Idaho since he was a kid. Today, he judges and competes in calling competitions and loves teaching others the lessons he’s learned.
Up Next in Season 1 | Learn to Use a Goose Call
Parts of a Call
Let's talk about the pieces and parts of a goose call, using the Axe Honker Slayer from Slayer Calls.
Holding the Call
Learn how to hold your call the right way, to get the most success. A proper hold allows the caller to create more or less back pressure to increase or decrease volume and sound.
Air Presentation and Where the Air Co...
It’s time to practice, practice, practice. If you want to achieve truly realistic moans and deep, nasty goose sounds, you need to know where your air is coming from. So grab a pair of sunglasses, grab a mirror and let’s work on bringing out your best belly breaths.