Intro to Duck Calling - The Basics of How to Use a Duck Call

Intro to Duck Calling - The Basics of How to Use a Duck Call

18 Episodes

In this course on "how to use a duck call," you'll start with the basic mechanics of a duck call and spend time mastering the basic quack. From there, you learn the ins and outs of the 3-note cadence, the greeting call, basic feed sounds, the stutter feed and the drag in feed. Each of the 9 lessons has been meticulously set up to help you develop great calling form and good calling habits — a foundation critical for mastering more advanced calling as you progress through the series.

I urge you to not skip videos and to not move too quickly. Master each section before moving on to the next. With each section we’ve included several exercises to use as practice tools as you work through the process.

Intro to Duck Calling - The Basics of How to Use a Duck Call